kendo sites web masters?
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01-24-2006, 06:41 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Should have gone for instead of, because URL is the first thing google or any web spiders will grab before contents. And .org/.edu gives you higher ranking comparing .com/.net supposedly according some analyst... and I wasn't that person so don't quote me. Though, even my current dojo website we hardly have any keywords in there. As soon as someone type in Minnehaha Kendo, it pops up as first. Since you've already bought the URL, it's pointless to change now. Meta tags, and starts using some Bold and Italics words in your content. Those are the second things web spiders are likely to pick up. But whatever you do, DO NOT SPAM such as having "Caucan Kendo" in the page for like 50+ times especially in invisible text (if you don't know this one, you don't have to worry about it), google will hate you and ban your site permanently. Good luck and gambatte!
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