Bow to your sensei!
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01-08-2006, 04:06 PM
Indian Butt Magic
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Nodachi: Feel free to swap. I love the rain. Hate the heat. And here's me living and having spent my whole life in the dryest state in the dryest country in the world. And I still can't handle the heat!! You give me your rain, and you can have my hot, scorching, unforgiving heat. Man. Can't wait till winter. At the moment, I'm sweating by the time I've finished my morning chikung, and that's before I even start going through kendo excercises!
This guy looks more like he's wearing a jumpsuit than kendogi and looks like he should be holding a wrench. Maybe he's found a way to incorporate plumbing and kendo
the work place?
Indian Butt Magic
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