USC Vs. t.u. for NC
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01-04-2006, 08:32 PM
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Nov 2005
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LOL.... All i have to say. "when you get a little older", hate to tell you this man, mom, and both my older cousins(youngest of wich is thirty), feel the same way i do(classes of '79 '94 and'98 respectivley). It's sad to know that so many t.u fans...and so many ags....let the old rivalry die for various reasons. I also like the tradition hijack....real original. Anyway....enough of that fight, the age card isnt going to com close to working this time, i can muster more old ags than you can shake two sticks at who feal the same way if not more vehemently.
As far as fran goes......he took a step in the right direction this year by firing torbush(though im afraid i dont know much about his new hire), but hes got to clean his act up. That and weve gotten rid of the peacock that was mcneal. We'll see how he implements the changes, but at some point enough is going to be enough.....and that time is coming very soon. It would be different if he as struggling to build a program that was already in a shambles, but he came into an old program that was having winning seasons when slocum left. We had been Big XII champs as recently as 98(and did well in 99) , and now were barely pulling it out against baylor. Somethings wrong when a coach takes over a decent program and it falls apart.
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