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11-15-2005, 07:04 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Saskatoon is a small city of 200,000. In the winter, don't bother coming here. In the summer it's beautiful, sunny and nearly every weekend there's a festival of some sort. Jazz festival, children's festival, Fringe festival, Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan, formula 1 power boat races - lots to do. This is a university town with an active arts community including a symphony and a half-dozen pro and semi-pro acting companies. We have a very good facility that can seat 10-16K people that attracts a surprising number of top-name acts for such a small place.
It's prairie here but about 90 minutes north is the start of the boreal forest and many lakes. Lots of people own cabins and go there most weekends to relax. Prince Albert national park is the centre of that area. 5 hours north is the Canadian shield country and some of the best wilderness canoeing in the country. It's possible to take your canoe over a few portages and then spend a week without seeing another soul.
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