The Furniture thread
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02-21-2022, 03:08 PM
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Nov 2020
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The Furniture thread
A New England Yankee upbringing instills frugality, or at least, the lack of desire to broadcast ones wealth. As a youth, that escaped me, but now, I get it.
Even though the purchase of expensive watches or any items may seem contrary to that position, the pursuit of longevity and quality as a one time investment in any category vs constantly re-purchasing things over and over (watch flipping not included) is well practiced within said Yankee mentality.
Tastes change, and ours certainly did, especially in furniture with our past affinity for early American designs, but now, firmly entrenched in mostly transitional, sometimes even leaning toward modern designs.
We don't purchase "suites" with "matchy" things, taking our design cues from some of the best interior designers and purchasing quality pieces that just don't clash with the overall intent. We have a Chinese chest, furniture made by Stickley (mostly Shaker designs), items from a local manufacturer that are transitional, and others - and it all works together, at least for us.
So, what type of decor or furniture are you into? Curious to see as many prefer certain era's, styles and materials.
Please post some of your favorite pieces/brands and tell your story as to how you got to where you are now with your preferences!
PS - what prompted this thread is that so many, being home during this pandemic, have re-focused on their homes and its contents being in it so much this past year. I was purchasing a new chair yesterday and the sales person was telling me that their business is through the roof because of the pandemic.
A few of the pieces in our main living space and dining area -
Ekornes "Tokyo" - purchased yesterday, not in yet, but it will be my chair!
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