Chanbara the art?
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05-13-2006, 05:58 AM
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Oct 2005
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With the danger of being flamed for minding your business whilst sitting on your righteous high horse I will bite. (this was a joke before you get your underwear in a knot)
Above is the page of official chanbara association. The rules are a bit like Kendo with all the strokes but if you ever get the chance to watch a match it's more like anything goes. The size of the "shinai" can be adjusted because you can inflate it. There are also Naginata and Kodachi to complete the armory.
There are federations all over the world and some "iffy" Kenjutsu folk offer this as part of their curriculum. I don't know if they do this to pay some more bills or as a proof that their ryu works for real I don't know.
In France for instance there are quite a few who practice this and they are part of the French Judo Federation. (Kendo and Naginata as well)
At one time in a thread here where we were musing that Kendo should be an Olympic Sport and if so how would it affect Kendo in general. At one time I made the suggestion that Kendo should remain Kendo and that Chanbara should be an Olympic Sport. It would provide an outlet for those who wanted to compete in the Olympics.
If you like you can read it here.
So that's Chanbara for you. How's your Kendo nowadays?
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