Neighbor Harassment - Need Some Help, Please!!!
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12-05-2022, 03:32 PM
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Jul 2020
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Neighbor Harassment - Need Some Help, Please!!!
Putting aside, that I'm not convinced that it is not a troll story, and/or just move, rather than banging on about cheapest rent in area, and/or complain and get them handled, if it is really them causing the issues.
Many laptops, blow out heat and heat up sections of a bed. So a person can notice sudden feelings of being blown with hot air, and/or the bottom of laptops can get "red hot" (not really, but sort of), so if someone moves it and suddenly sit on or touch that bit, on a bed, it can feel very hot, for a limited period of time.
They can also cause vibrations (internal fans, spinning hard disk drives, in older laptops, as newer ones tend to have SSDs, which are vibration free).
I think, putting ones ear near a mattress, can even 'magnify' such sounds/vibrations, perhaps making it seem like there is a whirring machine, nearby. Caused by a laptop, on that bed/mattress.
Also, beds/bedding tends to block the laptops air cooling vents, possibly over-heating it, filling it with dust and hence giving excessive wear and tear. So it is not the best way of treating laptops.
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