Mental Illness and Swordsmanship
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04-02-2006, 10:42 PM
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Nov 2005
Senior Member
ADHD is a very subjective problem. I agree that some people definitely have it, but others use the label as an easy way out of the "sit down, shut up, and focus on the task at hand" mentality.
ADHD is also a very selective ailment. What I mean is that I have seen students of mine who I agree are clearly ADHD and who have severe issues focusing in class, but put them in a different setting, like a shop class or club or sport team, and all signs of ADHD completely disappear. When an ADHD sufferer clearly has an interest in something they can almost magically regain all powers of focus and attention. It's when they aren't interested that the random problems arise. It is quite an interesting problem. Just because someone has ADHD doesn't mean they have no faculties of attention and calm. It's in there somewhere, but when they have or when they choose to use their focus or lose it is the interesting thing to study, in my opinion. I wouldn't worry about an ADHD person at all in kendo because they would either be totally committed or probably quit at a very early stage.
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