Mental Illness and Swordsmanship
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04-04-2006, 03:27 PM
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Oct 2005
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That’s almost 1 person per 2 dojo And we probably average 1 person in every two dojo that actually comes on-line to this forum. So, that one person has a fifty/fifty chance of even being in a dojo with someone with a mental illness. Now you have to consider what the odds are of that one person, supposing that person is from the dojo with a mental illness, being interested in knowing more about the person's illness. Most people are not too interested if it doesn't impact them in a negative fashion. Pretty much like my reference earlier to diabetes. many people know someone that is diabetic. Most people aren't all that interested in learning more about their disease.
It is an interesting topic, and I'm definitely not trying to discourage conversation on the subject. I was just pointing out to Danette that she shouldn't expect an overwhelming amount of participation. I was also trying to point out to you that I truly didn't think it was due to any taboo. At least, it isn't here in the U.S. Heck, we have commercials on T.V. about it.
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