My perfect men, and he moved his head!!
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03-27-2006, 06:01 AM
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Nov 2005
Senior Member
Well, i use the term "perfect men" very loosly. Of course I am nowhere near being able to preform a "perfect men", but I use it in the sense where you yourself feel good about your men. Good timing, fumi-koki, forward movement, etc...I think perfection is a subjective thing and really can only be furfilled by the person doing the action. Someone may telling you "that was a perfect men" but if you don't feel it was, then it isn't perfect to you. I know at times when I score points during practice shiai, I feel it could have been a long better, as far as timing, etc...
Anyways, most of these JHS and HS kids tilt their head at the first sigh of movement. I move my shinai up just a bit, and their head goes swinging to the left or right. I'm now learning to try to catch them when they return their head to the upright position.
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