My perfect men, and he moved his head!!
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04-01-2006, 07:37 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Leading your shinai early to where you think their head might bob is a bad idea. If they don't bob then you have lost the center. I think your options are only to hit straight and just go through, you don't get ippon but they don't hit back because they are dodging, OR, adjust the path of your shinai in the middle of your down swing (although this is harder to do than simply typing it here, frequently this will result in hitting the side of their men and not the area that results in ippon).
The main point is that leading to where you think they are going is going to ruin your center.
Head bobbing is the leaning of their head to the side so they don't get hit with by shomen, but more on their shoulder or side of their head. It is a way of avoiding losing a competition and is very subject to debate, lets not continue it here, it's been beaten to death already.
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