Sport or Martial Art Quality and/or flashiness of bogu for beginners Kendo does or does not conflict with _________ religion I don't want to bow because__________ Sempai/Kohai, over strict observance of sempai/kohai system, or under obervance of it (Western culture tends to promote more open discussion and thus all dojo have their own quirks in regards to this issue) Shiai kendo vs. shinsa kendo How to describe techniques... physics and body mechanics, or this is how they killed people back in the samurai days... (some people who romanticize that era really like battlefield descriptions instead of this is how the body moves naturally teaching, I guess it isn't cool enough for some people, who knows) What rank you need to be to start a club (some kendo is better than no kendo argument vs. if sensei isn't a mega super dan then it doesn't count) There are tons of others. Just a few off the top of my head.