Interesting article
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08-10-2006, 06:17 PM
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Oct 2005
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Well, I understand you feel that way, but I don’t think in terms of someone “owning” kendo. With the IKF (now called FIK as there is already an IKF in GAISF) joining GAISF, and I heard they were very relieved to have been admitted into the organization, and asking specifically to help widen membership, the stage is set for kendo/kumdo being considered for inclusion in the Olympic.
I think the IKF decided the continuing international popularity of kendo is a good thing, and rather than fight it, they are proactively leading the charge. (by the way, my understanding is that one issue they really want to fight is electronic scoring - like in fencing; I am completely with the IKF in this – electronic scoring will ruin kumdo). Is kendo being in the Olympics a bad thing? I can’t tell right now, but with the right leadership from IKF, I think it could be a good thing. We all saw what happened to judo and tae kwon do, and I hope/think IKF knows what to avoid.
I have to chuckle when I read posts here from folks who worry that the kendo community is getting too large and not remaining pure, etc… If people who practiced kendo when these guys were thinking about starting felt this way, where would they be?
Whether we like it or not, kendo has evolved, is evolving, and will continue to evolve. There are techniques which are no longer taught or used, and new styles and techniques will be introduced – and Japan may not be the source of changes in the future. I just read a fascinating analysis (done by the Koreans) of the last All Japan Kendo competition – they were scouting out the Japanese national team members. They did a statistical analysis of what got points, what didn’t, and so on, and the changes in “preferred” tactics over the years are quite apparent and interesting. These changes are happening without any central coordination - it is evolving. Kumdo is also undergoing changes in Korea, in parallel with changes going on in Japan.
There are a lot of exchanges between the two countries, and although we here at the forum are always dickering about Japan/Korea, kendo/kumdo debates, AJKF and KKA work very closely together. Politics aside, I don’t think the people who matter in both organizations get too wrapped around the axle over who did what or who “owns” this or that.
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