Relief? (plus Japanese men cry easily...) The WKC is an almost unknown quantity here in Japan and thats IN kendo circles ... if you dont believe me then thats fine. The fact that there are barely any non-Japanese people with rank practising here contributes to this. I competed in the last WKC then (2 weeks later) moved to Japan... in discussion with people the WKC inevitably came up (you have to explain your background) people were like "oh, thats nice. When was it? Who won?" was a big eye-opener for me. However, competing in a WKC (no matter how crap I am) can open up doors to you... since Japan is a status-driven society. As John said, we are a 'captive audience.' For non-Japanese kendoka the WKC is probably the top shiai we can compete in. For Japanese kendoka, it isnt.