Kendo Community
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08-01-2006, 09:12 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Despite the commercialization I think that more good would come out of a bigger kendo population. If there are more people, then there should be more higher ranked people available to teach kendo to others and a better chance of living near a kendo dojo. After I get my degree, I don't know where I will be going but I hope to live in a location that has some great talent.
Besides, if you do the research, you can easily separate the real and fake dojos. I am not sure what Karate and Tae Kwon Do have in place to ensure that you are not going to a McDojo, but sites like Kendo World, E-budo and fighting arts and various federations to keep dojos around the world in check, it should be harder for the bad dojos to stay open long.
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