another American question...
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08-04-2006, 07:43 AM
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Oct 2005
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No disrespect for anyone from or living in Mississippi, but it's not an area of the States that I'd jump at personally (there are a lot of others I wouldn't jump at Of course I might have said the same thing about where I am now in Research Triangle Park area (which includes Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill and Cary NC) if I was still living in Cali. Obviously there must be nice areas of Mississippi and pretty much every State. However, it does get very hot and humid there. I have heard that Tupelo isn't a bad place from friends, although I've never been there. Like I said, the Triangle area is pretty nice, and has a nice mix of people (it's a large percentage of people from other areas and nations due to the 3 major universities here, also it is within an easy drive to either the mountains or beaches).. Parts of So Cal and Nor Cal are very nice but typically a LOT more pricey. Since you are looking for someplace that doesn't get too cold for too long that leaves out huge sections of the midwest, northeast and northwest. In addition Oklahoma, Texas and even Mississippi do have tornado and other weather problems, but it's not like it's every year or anything. I suggest that once you get over here you try going to visit some areas at different times of year to see what you like. Also go to city search and look at restuarants and clubs etc for cities and surrounding areas you may be interested in to see what they offer.
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