blade length question
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07-24-2006, 06:57 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Actually, since you asked, I have no formal training in the use of any Eastern weapons. I have, however, spent the better part of the past seven years learning European martial arts tequniques.
I asked about proper blade lengths because I make boffer swords. The only thing close to formalized european training in my area is the local Society for Creative Anacronisim. I have tried their armored combat before, but I have decided that, for now, I prefer unarmored. I have done my best over the years to be as historically accurate as possible with pvc and foam insulation in order to better understand what it was like for those who used the real thing. I reasently had a commission to make a client a naginata. I wanted to make him one as realisticly as I could.
I am sad that there are so many people out there who play untrained with live steel. Believe me, I've known my share. I've also done my share of telling them how stupid they are for it. Maybe I'll find a nicer way to do it from now on.
Again, thank you for your time.
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