Thinking of taking another martial art in the Fall
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07-23-2006, 04:29 PM
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Oct 2005
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jujutsu takes longer than judo -- if it's traditional jj, it takes as long or longer than aikido for proficiency. If it's an mma hybrid, count on injuries. Anyway, for jujutsu, it's important to check out the dojo and have enough experience to analyze the practice and usefulness in real situations (the old "you have to know what you're looking at" caveat).
For self-defense in a quick turnaround, check out krav maga, or any striking style. Karate is not a bad idea. You can learn the basic atemi form in a reasonable amount of time. I wouldn't think hand injuries are too common in most striking systems. It's not like you're going to be spearhanding concrete. Just remember that any martial art is like kendo -- to get something worthwhile out of it, you have to have commitment -- there are no quick fixes.
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