Kendo training applied to hand to hand??
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07-22-2006, 11:40 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
I haven't done hand to hand since I was in the 2nd grade, but I noticed that kendo has helped me become a better fighter overall. Just to tell you though, I haven't fought since the 8th grade (I started kendo in the 12th grade).
So how do I know that kendo has helped? I play fight with my younger brother often. He's a workout maniac, so he's bigger and stronger than I am. I still beat him easily because of several reasons, and kendo is one of them. Kendo made me unafraid to take a few hits, but also made me quicker and more able to dodge and block. I can cover distance faster and attack faster. Looking for and creating openings became easier.
But above all, kendo taught me how to be patient and avoid confrontation. I win fights by avoiding them or winning mentally (with ki!!). I think that's the best. If I was attacked on the streets, I would look for a stick or shove my keys into the poor guy.
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