My most memorable experience was practicing w/ Miyazaki Masahiro sensei during a godo geiko at the 11th WKC in 2000 at Santa Clara. I was trying my best, and I got in a lucky hit on his men. From what I recall, it was HORRID!! I was leaning right, the hit barely got in on the left side of his men, my left elbow was sky high, and the only reason he didn't hit a clean men on me was because my posture was straight to hell. (Unintentional, of course. I was tired and overwhelmed already. ) Then I turned around and I SWEAR I saw him smile. What followed just overwhelms me. He came in for men as soon as we stepped to issoku ittou no mai. Before I knew what happened he had scored my men and was past me. He did this like 5 more times, and I tried everything to no avail. I went forward, backwards, attack, counter, just BLOCK even, and everytime it was a clean men and *poof*. When you do everything in your power and you can't even disrupt his point in the slightest, it truly is awe inspiring...