Can I get a translation of this
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10-20-2006, 11:39 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
From what I can tell, the two main songs are literally about #1 and #2, respectively.
The songs mention pee and poop. Which is a bit funny. The video is fairly self-explanitory beyond that.
I can’t turn it up too loud, as I am at work and obviously do not want to draw attention to it.
Other than that, it's it appears pretty normal stuff for kids, not bizarre at all.
Though in Western Culture, showing Urine or Feces mostly is taboo, you should see the HUGE volume of plush toys and other crap (pun intended) in the shape of a coiled up poo (usually with eyes.) sold in Japan.
As you know Japan is pretty big on bathroom culture.
My favorite is a line from the Simspons when they go to Japan, the toilet says:
"I am happy to receive your waste!"
Are you thinking of buying a Japanese Toilet system?
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