Freedom kendo poll
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11-01-2005, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
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I think this thread is about what "tradition" is. It seems to be about showing others that one is "part of what they do" by doing similar things, without asking too much as to it's function. At best, "going commando" seems ok as long as one isn't likely to incur any damage in the process. If there is no identifiable advantage to one's kendo, then, I'm not sure I see an advantage in "following tradition." Moreover, the whole concept of "tradition" is suspect as people assume that it means transmitting ideas and practices that do not change, when in fact interpretations of the same text or action change all the time. In early kendo, was there an option? I must confess an ignorance to the history of Japanese undergarments - or to European ones as well. When they became popular, they must have served some purpose. Probably a social one first. But to do kendo sans cullotes, I doubt it makes one more "authentic" if it means accepting an practice uncritically. Uh oh. I think I've done it now. Late summer night. Finally cooling down. Coyotes calling. Gatte Gatte....
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