my room
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09-15-2006, 12:49 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
my room
awright, its been a while since i posted anything relovant on the forums, i apologise for that. now for the question.
I am a boy who enjoys sleeping on the floor. Dont ask me why, its just my prefferance. further more, my room is "decked out" with alot of swords, and wall scrolls, plus my bed has covers with japanese symbols on it. Now now now, im not talking about "fung shway" orr what ever, I just enjoy the japanese feel. witch means that i would like to buy
1. a futon (kake)
2. a shoji screen
3. tatomi mats for my floor
4 some more japanese clothing (like a night shirt being a hoppi coat)
does anyone else.... uhhh do that sort of thing? or am i the only one?
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