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06-20-2006, 12:24 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Dear all,
thanks for the free publicity and all
... Lars, since you started this thread: Shofukan dojo offers the iaido curriculum to members of (or thru) your kendo club ever since Fumetsu stopped teaching iaido themselves. So that's why you jump to us when you press 'iaido.' (By the way: you jump to Fumetsu, when you press 'kendo' at
. Isn't life great?)
I agree with most of you that it is very hard to find an authentic dojo that offers Yagyu Shinkage ryu hyoho (= kenjutsu). Actually, this is only possible via Nobuharu sensei's Yagyu Kai in Nagoya, Japan, or Meik Skoss's dojo in the U.S., for example. There are a lot of groups who borrow the Yagyu family name to denote their school, which is all bull, even if they claim their xth headmaster received permission to do so etc. etc.. (No, I'm not even going to check out that video!) Only Nobuharu sensei's Yagyu Kai studies Yagyu Shinkage ryu and Yagyu Seigo ryu battojutsu, and they do so since 400 years. In fact, they established the darn thing!
It is true, however, that there are teachers who studied under the Yagyu Kai, received menkyo kaiden AND permission to teach outside the Yagyu Kai. This happened to the man who started using the name "Shinkage ryu" for his batto and kenjutsu teachings since the thirties of the 20th century, Kashima Kiyotaka sensei. It's those teachings that have reached us through Akita sensei and Matsuoka sensei, both from Nagoya, today. And it is this Shinkage ryu that is studied through the Netherlands Shinkage ryu Foundation (yes, our web site
will be translated into English soon! I'm sorry!).
Since Kashima sensei joined the Zen Nihon Kendo Renmei at the end of his life, we are still studying ZenKenRen waza today. And that is why Shinkage ryu iaido, for instance, is now trained as koryu by a dedicated group of people in Japan, France, The Netherlands, Greece, Germany, the US, and the UK, besides their ZenKenRen iaido, and under Matsuoka sensei's guidance.
I hope this clears things up a bit, and shows that our "Shinkage ryu' has nothing to do with any Kilgore group whatsoever
. Take care,
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