Anybody in Kumdo or Kendo heard of this??
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10-16-2005, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
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Supernils, no, I didn't misunderstand him. Wish I had, but I didn't. He sent it in an e-mail. Also, yeah, I'm going to politely do as Kendomushi and xvikingx suggested and just see what he says. It can't hurt. But, I also don't like being told that if I don't get what he has, then I can't use it. That's just wrong. Etiquette right out the window, there. And, I don't like lack of etiquette. Oh yeah, xvikingx, good idea to leave out the part about my sister-in-law. And, lnguyen, I know what you mean...
Gendzwill-sensei, why would there be a confrontation? It is only the person who was irrational who would even start one over this. And, if a teacher is as unkind to treat a student that way just because the student didn't buy the stuff they had access to, they should not be even teaching. I don't like arguing, and I'm not about to let it go that far. Arguing is silly. A teacher is a teacher because he/she likes to help a student learn regardless of what they buy or don't buy from the teacher. If he decides to behave this way tonight, I will be ashamed for him, since he would be the one to lose face over something petty. Since I got two conflicting statements from him, that being in the e-mail he sent me and what he told my sister-in-law, he already has lost face. Ah well. I will see what he says tonight.
And, I have no other option for a dojo. Kendo is two hours away, and I can't drive myself there. That's the nearest dojo around besides the one I go to now.
I'll tell you all what he says...
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