Anybody in Kumdo or Kendo heard of this??
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06-29-2006, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
why would there be a confrontation?
The suggestion was to take him to task over contractual obligations. If you as a student have to go to your instructor and say "look here, in section 4, subsection 2, paragraph c it says I can buy my equipment wherever I want", that's a confrontation. You're forcing him to do something he's already told you he doesn't want to do - you said he was clear in his e-mail to you. You'd be technically in the right but from a relationship POV it's already on the way downhill. If you bring up the fact that you did a little digging through your sister-in-law, that's only going to make matters worse.
I'd suggest bringing the matter up as if you didn't understand what he told you. "I'd like to purchase bogu set X from this company, do you approve of this model for me to use?" kinda thing. This gives him a chance to clarify, and maybe explain the reasons for his policy. If he shoots you down, you have to decide if you want to practice badly enough to overlook this. Because if you force the issue any further, I think it could go badly.
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