I have a question for all of you martial artists, swordsmen, and even if there are any ninjutsu followers out there. Well lets start when it all began...I was very young about 12 years of age and my goal was to wield a sword. I went to a teacher and he showed me how to wield a bokken. After I had reached the age of 15 I had gotten my first sword (this might sound late but I was told by my master to wait until adulthood to use a weapon) when he told me to strick at air and to practice what I had learned with my boken I was fine, even a sense of power came to mind. But when I had to strick him I couldn't move my thoughts were of painful accidents that could happen if I had swung wrong. How do I Overcome this fear it drives me crazy I never have hesitated to strick with a bokken, but with a sword? Is there something wrong with me? I always thought at first that I would counter any attacks used against me, mabey this is because I use jujutsu.
Are you telling us that you had to strick your Master?
He wanted me to use teh same form I used as a boken against him, he said he would be able to teach me my mistake in the techniques if he had acctually felt it.
Take up Kendo. In Kendo you can hit your opponent with out fear of injuring them or been injured yourself. Going by what you have said for the last three year you have not had a target to aim at now you do and have to relearn/refine your technique. Anyway this is a kendo Forum and by the sounds of thing our learning process is different to yours (at our club beginners are hitting people about 5 or 6 weeks into the beginners course). So there is most probably very little advice we can give you. I recommend looking for a ninjutsu forum for this kind of advice.
Thank you, however I have had an enemy to attack but usally I just wait for them to strick then get a hold to the attacking body part lock it and with little force pull the person on to the ground...not hurting the enimy but leaving him unable to attack me and giving his wepon.