Ashida Kim: Let the Doubters Be Silenced
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05-21-2007, 03:13 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
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Erotic ninjer stories
The Amorous Adventures of Ashida Kim
The Amorous Adventures of Ashida Kim is the chronicle of his fifth trip to a local women's lavatory in the service of Seat Sniffer International as a sexually deprived operative. His "cover story" at that time was being a "tranny in a brothel." These are the tales of the ladies he met and 'helped' during that turbulent period, that provide a glimpse into how the "real" world works, behind the scenes, inside the secret meetings, and how real ultimate warriors behave, regardless of the venue of their employment.
As a first person narrative, it also provides a certain degree of insight into the mind of martial master pervert and panty afficianado - Ashida Kim. Rumor had it at one time that this property would be the screenplay for a soon to be released instructional video on recognizing sexual deviants. Those plans did not materialize because 100% of all seat sniffing incidents dropped after Kim was arrested. The script, however, is still available. Oh, my Lordy...
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