starcraft ii...
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05-22-2007, 06:54 PM
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Oct 2005
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After playing over 1000 hours of starcraft over 3 years, I have to object to pretty much your entire post, Sparv
I have troubles with this game: an army which is described as HUGE is made of ten units,
Depends on how long the game has been going,what race you are using, and the kind of units you use. You can have an army of 100 units with zerg if you want late in the game, or 10 Carriers, or just mass a huge army of weaker units, up to you.
and resource management is more important than battle management, and moreover, the winner is the guy who clicks the fastest (that's not me).
Battle management is quite important in starcraft. You can have all the resources you want but if your enemy is up in your base pulling a good late game tank push, no amount of dragoon, scout, zealot, or carrier massing will save you.
As for clicking fast, while it helps a lot, there are still ways around it, you know, like with superior strategy. I've beaten players who have twice my APM (actions per minute, clicks and key presses) on several occasions back in the day....
The sea/air/land combinations, the fact tat resources are not a very big trouble and the real 3d environment of Total Annihilation are still wonderful. And don't forget the nuclear weapons!
Okay, you get that paragraph. Terran can still use nukes though
Of course, I don't doubt that the other games you play are pretty good, I just didn't want false criticism of one of my all time favorite games, and the game Koreans have TV stations dedicated to.
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