What kendo could become...?
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05-17-2007, 08:22 AM
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Nov 2005
Senior Member
Maybe Im insane, but I think the Olympics should have Kendo. Yes, its traditional, and yes-- its constantly "growing" or changing. Kendo is not the same as it was 20 years ago, 50 years ago....its always changing.
Olympics is HUGE business that is for sure. What would they change--they would probably recongize the already established international regulations.
They would probably keep the scoring methods, tournaments the same--
About the only down side I see to including Kendo in the Olympics-- you would probably have the same "top players" for most of their life. It would probably be dominated by the same 7 & 8dan--for every nation, every Olympics.
Plus its much more entertaining as a "sporting" event rather than Olympic Fencing.
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