Looking for Input from Kenshi Dog-owners.
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04-21-2007, 05:20 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
My best friend is a 7 year old Bernese Mountain Dog... He is the most beautiful, funny, good-hearted creature on this here planet (IMHO)...
However... He is 42 kilos, sheds hair like it's going out of fashion, typically BMDs will chase a stick or ball but won't return it... (so a bit of a hollow undertaking really!) and really needs company ... the BMD is not the dog that I would recommend for you...
I believe that someone already mentioned the Springer Spaniel... they have boundless energy, sunny disposition, will retrieve, good with kids and are intelligent medium sized dogs...
Labradors are great with kids, friendly to the max, excellent retrievers, good family dogs... but they do tend to fart a lot and are extreeeemely greedy (God bless them).
Another new breed which has Kennel Club recognition as a sustainable breed is the Labradoodle... These may well be the dog for you... perhaps a little on the large side... but worth checking out... (and your kids will love saying labradoodle....!).
Get in touch with the breed organisations and find a local (if you're lucky) breeder to visit... The Breed Org will also know when litters are due and advise you on how much you should pay...
Ref Hip Dysplasia... a reputable breeder will have the hips and elbows of their breeding dogs and bitches so you can make a more informed judgement...
Good luck and let us know how it goes...!
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