Kendo shops in Australia
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04-17-2007, 08:47 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Ok, so we have now left the land "down under" after two weeks of vacation (This is written from Kuala Lumpur International Airport while waiting for our transit flight).
Unfortunately, our tight schedule did not allow any time to go watch kendo. That's what happens when you do a "japanese holiday" I guess
So, did I like Australia? yes, very much. It feels sad to go home already since there is still so much to see.
Some things I learned about Australia
" It is big. No seriously, I mean frickin' enormous! I will never again complain about distances when travelling in Sweden.
* It is extremely clean. Maybe because they seem to give you a fine if you drop any litter (at least in the cities we visited) or australians are just a very tidy people.
" You love signs. There are signs everywhere. Most of them tell you what you are not allowed to do, and how much it will cost you if you do. Some are quite silly. I mean, come on, I don't think anyone will dive in the spa or not notice that the hotel pool (which was a glorified bath tub) doesn't have a "life guard on duty".
* Even if you do love signs, the concept of once in a while putting up a sign telling you how long distance is left to a certain location while on the road seem to never have crossed the oceans.
* Everything is either extremly poisonous or have sharp teeth. Either way it will kill you!
* The people are very nice and helpful.
* Some people have strange dialects which takes a few minutes before you start to understand them.
* The weather is hot, which is a nice change since we just experienced a quite persistant winter in Sweden.
So, now it is back to the cold reality.
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