The Secret
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04-10-2007, 09:40 AM
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Nov 2005
Senior Member
The Secret
, isn't.
I have read the book, (it's available for free on the Net)
and it's nothing but Hocus-Pocus Mumbo-Jumbo new-age-feel-good Horse-Apples.
It's a scam, in other words. Complete nonsense.
if you ask me, here's:
Kenzan's "Secret" to happiness:
#1. You are responsible for your own life, not the universe.
Like the mantra says:
If it is to be, it's up to me.
#2. Follow the path to your bliss with the passion that you would cut down God himself if he got in your way of it.
#3. Life is suffering. There is no life without it. Think of it as a magnificent game that hurts. Pain and Suffering are good things. They let you know you are alive. Deal with it.
#4. Quit Whining, and whatever it is you want to do/be just get off your lazy ass, engage in the process, realize that there will be obstacles along the way, and Just FREAKING
do it!
and if you fail, try again, but whatever you do, don't blame anyone else.
#5. Money ain't everything, but it does help. At the end of the day, you can't take it with you. Smell the roses. A LOT.
Lastly, all in all, that's
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