Hi Matsuda-sensei, No studies regarding your query were available on PubMed, a fantastic database concerning life science research of all sorts, including sports medicine. There's more information regarding general supplement use and effects in athletes, but nothing specific to kendo. If you want some help searching through PubMed, just send me a PM. Cheers, Raiza
Arnold, do you think there would be a benefit to steroid (ab)use? Sprinters definitely benefit from it, and if kendo were just a contest to see who could get from kamae to point first I could see some of the same training/cheating methods being used. But as it's so much more than that, who would see enough benefit to warrant the risk? As a related question: I see a benefit in my own recreational kendo from gym time. Do a lot of competitive kendoka hit the weights? How about the US team guys? I know it varies on the Canadian team side - some do and some don't.