Combatting ignorance - the general public
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12-04-2007, 06:30 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
if the type of kendo these "passerbys" happen to see is "shit" then i think it's not too obsurd for them to laugh and let their ignorence take over, but if it's in the case of two hachidan sensei doing kendo with each other or say two kendshi who do relatively straight, fast, or whatever the word you want to use for "impressive" type of kendo then. ..I've never seen anyone who despite their ignorance of the art or just doesn't care for kendo make a laughing matter or mockery out of that sort. my point being even if you don't know something, you can still sense the feeling of "dignity", "respects" in its practioners. if people want to laugh maybe we should ask ourselves, is it in my attutide or the way i do it that's making them laugh.
i don't care for making the public more aware of kendo
p.s. speaking of ignorance, it isn't just in the blatant on lookers that i've witness various degree of lack of knowledge, often time I see it in kendo practioners. for some reason there is a huge illusion between the kendo they think they do and they kendo they like to boast about doing.
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