Combatting ignorance - the general public
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12-05-2007, 01:57 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Well so far when I describe it losely as "beating people over the head with bamboo swords" people don't really wonder anymore bcause I usually start off with saying I do karate, which already makes people step back and stare at me funny.
They think I'm some sort if violent little devil or something. Karate seems to have an even worse image than Kendo because of all those MMAers who call what they're doing "Karate" but lack all the philosphy behind it. For me in both Karate and Kendo, the philosphy came first and then the physical passion for each art but try to explain that to someone who isn't interested... they're always very good at the art of rolling the eyes....
I agree with whomever said that the best thing we can do is set an example in everyday life. And by that I do not mean rob old ladies with a bokkuto
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