Kengo, Legend of the Nine-For Xbox 360
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10-02-2007, 02:14 AM
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Oct 2005
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Also, in the top 50 games of all time, based on average review scores, there are 4 xbox 360 games, and 0, yes zero, PS3 games. And ontop of those 4 xbox 360 games, there are another 4 original xbox games.
So when it comes down to the numbers, its seems that xbox has PS3 beat.
The xbox 360 also has 8 games averageing 90 or above and an additional 40 odd games rating 80 or above, compared to PS3 with only one game above 90(which is a game on teh xbox 360 as well), and only 16 games rated above 80. (I am taking PS3 and Xbox 360 game into account, not older generation games (ie. ps2 and xbox)).
So it seems you don't have your facts straight
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