What kind of floor do you practice on?
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06-28-2008, 01:37 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
At UNC we practice usually on wood gym floors but during the summer months (due to facility scheduling) we practice in the fencing room and it has a Mateflex modular floor surface. I don't really like it that much but some of the students don't mind they say.
As far as pros and cons I would say that I have mostly used a wooden floor for kendo and it is familiar, however I will say that the mateflex surface gives good traction, is not too hard on the feet as it has a little give, and when you are dripping sweat your feet don't slip much when you take off for a strike (like it does on a polished gym floor) but it still allows you to suri-ashi fine. All in all it's not too bad I guess but I definitely prefer a wooden floor myself.
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