Hi 1stdan-san, I've read the whole thread... I saw it a couple days ago when you first posted though. Anyway, imho, I think that posting about a dojomate like this was not a very nice thing to do. I wouldn't have done it. Not even if the guy/girl turned out to be some self-taught ninja type. The reason you shouldn't have done this, is because they are in your dojo and you could seriously hurt their feelings should they come across this forum and this thread. It just wasn't a kind thing to do, especially since you know this person. People do have feelings that can be hurt, you know. It is so wrong to not care about others and not care how one could make others feel by what one says about them. This isn't what kendo should be teaching us. Please give the new kid a chance. If you really are this curious and concerned, talk to him and just ask polite questions as to where he learned the kata he says he knows and ask what ryu they are from. You never know... He might have studied in another dojo another ryu. Or, if he's self taught in reality, then you have a great chance to guide him in the right direction, and make a friend out of him. There's nothing more helpful than encouragement. And, know what? He's already made the right choice by finding a good dojo. That says a lot for me. I think your sensei can take care of anything in terms of what else he may or may not know. So, just enjoy making a new friend. Kaoru