Sensei?!?!?! Darest thou mock me? I will avenge my disreputable name!
I didn't really ask a question, simply suggested an alternate direction in which we could look. It frees me from feeling compelled to disagree with what is a win or a loss wrt to war. These are not the droids you're looking for. I think the examples given probably are a better reflection of the people in the U.S., versus the actions our govt. tends to take. I have certainly thrown what I consider to be a substantial amount of greasy green towards a variety of causes meant to aid my brothers and sisters who live in foreign lands. Substantially more than I spend on supporting the beer and liquor industry every year. OTOH, let us not forget that many other countries give aid, both at the govt and individual level, and it is substantial, and appreciated. Do you think it is possible to be popular as a people, even though we have an unpopular government? That Iranian dude has said several times that it's our govt he has a problem with, not us. So has Chavez. My opinion is that our odd system of choosing elected officials doesn't really do a good job at selecting leaders who represent "we the people," we're basically given the choice between a few jokers and the occasional stooge. We're screwed by a two-party system. Then again, if "we the people" just had a clue as to what we really want.... Sorry, I'm just babbling all over the place. Friday the 13th is getting to me, I can't handle the pressure. -Charles