And mind you, Fred would know. After all, he's from the country that invented Lutefisk. BAM! True, But one thing I've learned is, never buy wine for another if you yourself are not "into" it, and by "Into" you know...the tasting parties, the fundraisers...the uncaskings...etc..etc.. Besides, if the guy is really your friend, it's the thought that counts, and if he would turn his nose up at any gift from you, then he's probably a bit of a pretentiously snobbish douchebag. -of course, that's my opinion of most Wine "connoisseurs", not to be confused with those who "just like to drink wine." ~And i will never accept that Sake is just "Rice Wine." It is nothing less than a magical elixir provided by the Gods for our joyous food debauchery. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. /Rantus finalum.