What would be the most embarrassing case during kendo?
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05-13-2008, 08:27 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
You seem to be a nice kid even though I've watched you for a long time and seem to catch a lot of grief. Mostly deserved, sometimes not. Even though you could have been more creative and come up with something funnier to start this thread, at least it's not as misguided as some of the other stuff you have said on here. So I think I'll play along and participate:
What would be the most embarrassing case during kendo?
Losing to you 0-2...
Just kidding man. Gotta have a little fun.
I'd say the most embarassing thing that happened to me is when there was a visiting Sensei and I was scrambling around translating and making sure everything was running well. When it came time for Ji-Geiko, I wanted to participate too. So I rushed to put my Men and Kote on and get in line for the Sensei. Only thing was that I was in such a hurry that I did not realize that I had never put on Do and Tare.
Needless to say, I lost my spot in line.
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