Whale Meat
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03-26-2009, 04:22 PM
Join Date
Nov 2005
Senior Member
Muktuk is not for the faint of heart, but
takes a size 12 pair, in solid brass.
I am quite proud to say I had no idea what stinkhead was and had to Google for it:
Stinkhead is made from the whole head of a King salmon, which is somewhat larger than a football. The traditional method of preparation was to wrap the fish head in the long grasses which grow along rivers and streams, and then to bury it in a moss-lined pit in the ground for four to six weeks. Where it rots. And then dig it up and eat it. Yum. The bones soften up until the whole head has a mashable consistency. The dish gets its name from the smell, which is every bit as rancid as you might imagine. I can’t even be in the same room with it, much less consider putting it in my mouth. That is some seriously nasty shit. Charles, you are a liability...
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