Can you have strong discpline in Kendo, but not in anything else?
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11-22-2008, 08:49 AM
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Oct 2005
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In my opinion this is one thread where perception is 90% of reality. How we perceive discipline and what it entails will skew our answer one way or another. Does kendo strengthens our discipline; does it make it permeate to other aspects of our lives? I truly don’t know. I think you will get a lot of opinions based on personal experience from this forum but at the end you will be the only one that will be able to answer your own question. If you think that it will, and you stick to it, it will most likely permeate to the rest of your life. If in your personal set of values you can accommodate dedication to one aspect without interaction to other actions in your life then it will certainly not make much difference.
What I am trying to say is that kendo will not be an all of the sudden life changing event. We are the product of nature and nurture. Our past experiences, how we dealt with them, what the outcomes were. And that is what determines your inner self. It will however be a cold hard mirror to evaluate this set of experiences that make you what you are, It will make you know yourself as you strive to understand and attain perfection in something as simple as the cut of a sword. Remember kendo teaches you the way of the sword. True it is a physical activity, true you body will be put to tremendous stress. But none of that stress will be much compared to the introspection that you must make every single day to improve your kendo.
I was trying to explain kendo to a friend of mine that is a highly advanced Tai Chi artist and he was awed at the simplicity of the basic movements yet he truly understood how it would take years upon years of practice to dominate or even begin to make sense of 5 basic strikes. 5 strikes that will take you a lifetime to understand. Is discipline involved? Certainly but I think that more that discipline is the willingness to know you that drives kendo. And is that knowledge of yourself that will spill onto other aspects of your life.
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