Attn all HS teachers in Japan - establishing exchange program
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04-27-2010, 10:59 PM
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Oct 2005
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Attn all HS teachers in Japan - establishing exchange program
As most of you know, I have been teaching kendo at my high school in Melbourne. Currently there is a push to introduce studies of Asia into every sphere of the Australian school curriculum. As a result there are some substantial grants open to Australian schools to support this. The study area doesn't have to be language-based, so kendo qualifies.
What I would like to do is to find a Japanese HS (junior or senior) who would be interested in establishing some kind of exchange program. The parameters are pretty open ended. It would depend of what suited both our schools.
An advantage would be if your school is good with technology (e.g. uses laptops in class, Interactive White-Boards, has a school wireless network, etc), then the possibility exists for video-conferencing as a low-cost starting point.
So if you're an English (or other subject, like KENDO!) teacher and your HS has an international program or some kind of international focus, drop me a PM.
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