I've heard that Canada and the US Midwest have a few kendoka here and there...
Apparently other countries aren't significant enough to subdivide or even warrant a mention, despite the fact that nearly all the people responsible for providing this very service are from countries not mentioned in the list.
If you were going to do a survey you would think each country major federation would be included, I mean china and russia are pretty big, why didnt they get subdivided, and the land down under is an entire continent, all the other continents got their own division. And Hawaii, I mean they have their own governing body for kendo, last time i checked there kendo was bigger there than in the rest of the USA put together..... And then you have the UK, i'm sure they dont appreciate being lumped in with the tossers in the rest of europe, I mean come on, your euros are no good here. /dont want none of your deutchy markies //I have no idea what a tosser is, it just sounded good here ///apparantly I think i'm on fark
It's hard to understand why one would ask a two part question to a one-dimensional poll. Apparently, people don't move?
It's not unusual in any english-language forum. There are other nations that are punching above their weight class here. Australia has 28 representatives which is about 16% of the US count, with a population that's only 5% of the USA's if memory serves. About 38%, actually.
I knew this was gonna be good the minute I clicked... This very topic is proof to the fact that internet activity does not equal Kendo activity (it's an inverse proportion, sometimes!) [tease] I guess the US just have the largest number of people with too much time in their hands, or wanting to avoid working [/tease] Also: just me!! yay?