I'm sick all the time and I'm pretty sure it's because of kendo :(
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04-02-2010, 05:41 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
I wonder how helpful vitamins are also. I take a multi because I don't make the effort to have a well balanced diet. However, I notice that if I'm feeling like something's like a cold might be coming on, the best thing I can do is eliminate caffeine from my diet for a few days. If I do that, then either I don't get sick or if I do, the cold doesn't last long. Extra vitamins and fruits haven't been as helpful as that to me.
Overexercise, lack of sleep and bad diet all adversely affect your immune system probably more than any vitamin pill will benefit so I would look at those factors. I haven't read the whole thread but if you haven't gone in for a physical, that
would really be the place to start.
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