I would go cheaper. You can say that you will follow through, but it's impossible to know such a thing beforehand. Many beginners quit just after getting and wearing bogu, because it's either not what they expected, painful/ uncomfortable, or they don't like having the tables turned on them by their senpai (i.e they're no longer just receiving, they can hit back now). I spent a ton on my first set of bogu and received a bit of contempt, so I regret it a bit (thought it's been a few years and it's held up nicely...). Buying a cheaper set is not only better for your financial well-being, but sometimes it's also considered vain for a noob to buy a nice kit right off the bat. Of course, you can still do what you want. But I would just go with what the others in your dojo tell you. So...the best and most common answer to these questions: Ask your Sensei.