i need a kanji
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11-09-2009, 04:09 PM
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Oct 2005
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First up I should say that I have considered getting tattoos in the past and am now very glad I didn't, but...
I don't think there's much wrong with it. We've all done dumb things when we were young (some of us are still doing them!) and we often have the scars to prove it. A tattoo's a bit like that.
Re this kanji idea:
1) Sure, the kanji for 'cat' 猫 is kind of dumb if you think of it as just the word 'cat', but kanji are not just words, they are 'pictures' also. Even in Chinese and Japanese culture they are considered pictures. This is why calligraphy (i.e. 書道) is to traditional Japanese painting what life drawing is to Western painting.
2) The phrase "Kikentaiitchi" is not such a bad choice. It's meaning is clear and it can't be misread as 'brothel' or 'wanker' or some such other unfortunate colloquialism.
3) The calligraphy example that the OP posted is not bad, I've seen much worse.
4) A good tattoo artist will be able to copy an image you give them pretty much exactly, so they don't have to be a calligrapher themselves.
If I were young and dumb and full of... it, I'd probably get
(just the top two kanji), or
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