Bokuto vs Shinai.
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11-04-2009, 09:01 AM
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Oct 2005
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But still, that makes my bokken a 2.5 and my shinai a 2.75, so not as huge a difference as most people think. I agree with you that they're not so different, but I feel I need to put a caveat in on your measurements. If your bokken was a sword, it would be closer to a 2.35 than to a 2.5. Swords are measured by nagasa, which means a straight line from
to kissaki. Since you were measuring your bokken from the tsuba, you are missing over an inch of habaki length that would be present in a sword.
Didn't really have a lot to do with the conversation, just had to throw that bit in.
Why the shinai tsuka is bigger than the bokuto tsuka? I would venture to guess that it's because the length of the blade is longer. The length of tsuka and length of blade should be somewhat tied together in a decent sword.
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